Sewer Repair


We proudly offer under-slab tunneling repair here in Dallas. Total Plumbing takes great pride in our specialty of tunneling services under homes to repair water and sewer breaks. Our plumbing and drain service team in Dallas gets the job done right the first time so you don’t have to sweat it! We understand these are large jobs that must be handled appropriately to minimize downtime of your water or sewer system. All tunnels we excavate are dug to exact specifications to ensure safety for our clients and our employees. All sewer repairs are anchored to the bottom of your slab using galvanized hangers to maintain proper slope of sewer lines. Engineer’s reports certifying that the backfill of dirt was done properly can be provided with every tunnel job we complete. Our under slab tunneling repair service team in Dallas will work together to make sure you are informed and satisfied every step of the way throughout this process.

There are few ways to tackle a slab leak, including tunneling. Our slab leak repair services in Dallas are methods we’ve used often recently to cut costs for homeowners. There may be some myths out there that tunneling can be more expensive, but in many cases it can actually come out to be less expensive. Since slab leaks often cause foundation problems, a foundation repair company is typically involved in the process. If the location of the leak is unknown, we are experts at slab leak detection and location.

Is Tunneling More Expensive Than Cutting the Concrete Slab?

Our under slab tunneling repair here in Dallas is usually less expensive, once everything is considered. If we break through a concrete slab to make a repair on a slab leak, the floor must be torn up, furniture removed from the room and of course the concrete slab itself will be torn up. After the slab leak is repaired we then have to clean up. In some cases the homeowner may need to be removed from their residence while the repairs are performed. In a home with inexpensive flooring, tunneling may come out to be more expensive. This might sound like a lot, but you are in good hands with our under-slab tunneling repair professionals here in Dallas. We have many years of experience and will make sure that the job gets done in an efficient and timely manner.

Do Insurance Companies Prefer Tunneling?

Insurance companies prefer the fastest, least expensive method for repairing a slab leak. If tunneling is the best and least expensive option, the insurance company will be happy to have the repair performed that way. If breaking up the concrete slab is less expensive, then that is the route they’ll approve.

The bottom line is many customers prefer to have the slab leak repaired by tunneling. This eliminates the homeowner being displaced from their home, it doesn’t cause dirt and dust to be created inside the home, it saves their flooring from being torn up and replaced and the overall experience is more streamlined.

If you are looking for exceptional plumbing and drain services in Dallas and think you have a slab leak, call us now at 972-681-4434 to schedule an appointment!