Have you ever had a pipe bust? With colder temperatures on the way it is possible for your pipes to break if the temperature is below freezing for several days.
Being prepared for such an occasion is key. One of the most important things to know about the plumbing in the house is the location of the main shutoff valve. We’ll come out to fix the pipe, but before we arrive you’ll want to stop the water from continuing to run.
In the event that a pipe breaks or the water heater bursts, turn off the main shutoff valve fast. It is possible you have “local” shutoff valves. Locate them, too. There should be one under each sink, on toilet tanks, and on the washing machine.
If you want to learn more about how to stop a water leak, contact our Dallas Plumbing experts! Check back for more tips from Total Plumbing. We serve the Mesquite, Garland, Plano, Dallas, and surrounding DFW areas.